Harnessing India’s Ancient Wisdom for a Healthier Future: The One Health Framework

Harnessing India's Ancient Wisdom for a Healthier Future: The One Health Framework


The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the far-reaching impacts of zoonotic diseases on global public health, economies, and food systems. This outbreak is not an isolated incident, as the last two decades have witnessed the emergence of several new and severe pathogens. To combat such threats, a holistic approach is needed, one that unites human health, animal health, and environmental well-being. This approach, known as the One Health framework, is gaining global momentum. In India, with its rich heritage of traditional medicine systems like Ayurveda, there lies an opportunity to synergize ancient wisdom with modern healthcare practices to bolster the One Health initiative.

Understanding the One Health Concept

The One Health framework evolved from the symposium on 'Building Interdisciplinary Bridges to Health in a Globalized World' in 2004. It emphasizes collaborative, multi-sectoral efforts to address zoonotic diseases, antimicrobial resistance (AMR), and other health and environmental challenges. One Health recognizes that the health of humans, animals, plants, and ecosystems is interconnected and interdependent. By mobilizing various sectors, communities, and disciplines, this approach aims to foster well-being while ensuring sustainable development and clean environments.

India's Policy Response: The Need for One Health

India, with its vast livestock population and high burden of AMR, stands particularly vulnerable to health and economic threats posed by zoonoses. The One Health approach is gaining traction in the country, with initiatives like the National Expert Group on One Health and the establishment of a National Institute of One Health in Nagpur. However, for a more comprehensive and effective strategy, India must also draw upon the knowledge and practices of its traditional health systems.

Ayurveda and One Health: A Natural Connection

India's ancient health system, Ayurveda, offers valuable insights that align with the One Health approach. Ayurveda emphasizes the balance and harmony between the mind, body, and spirit and recognizes the interconnectedness of all living beings with their environment. Concepts like "Loka Purusha Sama Siddhanta" echo the principles of One Health, emphasizing that what exists in the universe is reflected in individuals.

Traditional Practices for Zoonotic Diseases and AMR Mitigation

Ayurveda and other Indian Systems of Medicine have documented practices related to zoonotic disease management and AMR mitigation. Historical texts, such as Charak Samhita and Shalihotras Ashwashastra, discuss principles of animal health and infectious disease prevention. These texts highlight the use of herbal remedies, which align with the modern concept of reducing antibiotic usage in livestock to combat AMR.

Recommendations for the Future

To harness the potential of India's ancient wisdom for a healthier future, several steps can be taken:
1. Inclusion of Ayush Research Institutions: Integrating Ayush research institutions into the existing One Health consortium will strengthen collaboration and promote the role of traditional medicine in addressing health challenges.
2. Research and Documentation: Conducting research and documenting the impact of traditional medicines, such as Ayurvedic veterinary medicine, in mitigating AMR will provide crucial evidence for policymakers.
3. Promotion of Ayurvedic Veterinary Medicine: Supporting the usage of Ayurvedic veterinary medicine in livestock management will reduce antibiotic use and its harmful residues, benefiting both animal and human health.


The One Health framework presents a unique opportunity for India to leverage its rich heritage of traditional health systems in combatting zoonotic diseases and AMR. By integrating the principles and practices of Ayurveda with modern healthcare initiatives, India can pave the way for a healthier and more resilient future for all living beings and the planet. Embracing this holistic approach will not only safeguard public health but also ensure the sustainable development of our nation.

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