Exhibited at World Food India 2023, Delhi

The Ministry of Food Processing Industries organized World Food India 2023, which is being held from 3rd to 5th November 2023 at Bharat Mandapam, New Delhi. Ayuurleiutis Solutions Pvt Limited actively participated in the event and established its stall. During the event, the esteemed Minister of State, Dr. Munjapara Mahendra Bhai, from the Ministry of Ayush, honored our stall with a visit. We took the opportunity to present honourabe minister with a gift of Pathyashi Cardiac care tea. Harshit Jain, CEO of the company explained him about the benefits of cardiac care tea and the scientific studies done as well as the Ayurvedic wisdom behind blending these ingredients. Hon’ble Minister being a cardiologist appreciated the efforts and given his best wishes to the startup.

The tea is available at amazon at https://amzn.eu/d/2BnuROj

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