Ayurvedic Approach to Improve Eye Health: The Benefits of Aam Pachan

Ayurvedic Approach to Improve Eye Health: The Benefits of Aam Pachan


In this digital age, an increasing number of people are experiencing various eye-related issues. Weak eyesight and cataracts have become prevalent concerns, particularly in individuals aged above 15 and over 50, respectively. Ayurveda, an ancient Indian healing system, offers a holistic approach to address these eye problems naturally and prevent the need for surgical procedures. One essential aspect of Ayurvedic treatment for eye health is Aam Pachan, which focuses on cleansing the body of toxins (AAM) and balancing the Pitta dosha, particularly in the eyes. This blog will delve into the significance of Aam Pachan in Ayurveda and its benefits in promoting better eye health.

Understanding Aam Pachan

According to Ayurveda, AAM, an accumulation of toxins in the body, can disrupt the balance of the tridoshas, namely Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. In the context of eye health, Pitta dosha plays a crucial role, and AAM can also impact the eyes. To address eye disorders and weak eyesight effectively, Ayurvedic doctors begin treatment by focusing on Aam Pachan - the process of eliminating toxins from the body.

The Importance of Aam Pachan for Eye Health

Aam Pachan is the fundamental step in Ayurvedic treatment for eye problems. By clearing out the toxins and restoring the balance of the doshas, it prepares the body for further treatment, including oral Ayurvedic medications and panchakarma procedures.

Methods of Aam Pachan for Eye Health

1. Langhan (Fasting): The initial step in Aam Pachan involves advising patients to undergo langhan, which is fasting or abstaining from heavy foods. Instead, easily digestible foods are recommended, along with the consumption of lukewarm water, known for its detoxifying properties.

2. Ayurvedic Oral Medications: Once langhan is complete, Ayurvedic doctors administer oral medications containing chakshushya herbs like aamla, kantkari, sounf, and haridra. Classical preparations such as saptamrit louha and eye drops made from Ark of palash mool are also prescribed.

3. Netra Tarpan (Eye Nourishing Therapy): For specific cases, panchkarma procedures like Netra Tarpan are employed. Netra Tarpan involves the local application of Netra Shalaka, which contains swarnkshiriadi churna, on the eyes. This therapy helps in nourishing and rejuvenating the eyes.

4. Trifla Eye Wash: To aid in koshth shuddhi (cleansing of the stomach), patients are advised to use trifla kwath and trifla churna for eye wash before bedtime.

Benefits of Aam Pachan for Eye Health

1. Natural Healing: Aam Pachan focuses on addressing the root cause of eye disorders, offering a natural and holistic approach to healing.

2. Avoiding Surgical Procedures: Through Ayurvedic treatment, many patients have experienced significant improvements in their eye health, reducing the need for surgical interventions like cataract removal.

3. Quick Results: When combined with a balanced lifestyle and adherence to Ayurvedic practices, Aam Pachan has shown to yield faster and more effective results in restoring eyesight.


Ayurveda, with its emphasis on Aam Pachan, provides a time-tested and effective approach to promote eye health and manage eye disorders. By following the guidance of Ayurvedic doctors, incorporating Ayurvedic oral medications, and undergoing panchkarma procedures like Netra Tarpan, individuals can find relief from weak eyesight and cataracts naturally. Embracing Ayurveda not only helps in avoiding surgeries but also contributes to overall well-being. It is crucial to remember that any Ayurvedic treatment should be undertaken under the guidance of a qualified practitioner to ensure safety and efficacy.

Read more- https://medcraveonline.com/IJCAM/clinical-study-of-netra-shalaka-with-palash-moolark-and-trifla-churna-for-the-treatment-weak-eye-sight-amp-cataract.html

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